вторник, 18 октября 2011 г.

Team "GLOBAL Pension Fund & Company"

Receive the international returnable pension insurance 45000 $

All for $69 - payment through Libertyreserve.

Immediate payment after closing the program!
the first stage of 5000 contracts.

The program is limited 65000 contracts. (it is broken into 11 stages)

Team "GLOBAL Pension Fund & Company"

Attention!!! Participating in the given program you are exposed to risk to make yourselves rich, nothing to do and enjoy a life!!

Often ask questions - whether Legally IT? Yes - legally and officially. In Germany there are companies which buys up such insurance policies. We receive money for sale of the Policy - insurances of Company PIF, having refused from this insurance.
the project, the program is a voluntary Insurance... The Project has begun in common 2 the largest companies - Insurance and Financial, and still Bank which provides financing the Program. THEY will receive very much greater Profit!
Banks will pay us all nearby 20 %  from 350 thousand on which us everyone insure.

for example, Deutsche Bank of Germany in 2006 has received PROFIT - more than 6 billion euro. But it for the employees cannot is simple so to take and give out money. And under such Projects can, the law on Banks allows to make it. Thus banks kill at once 2 hares, compensate expenses for red tapes and payments to employees in 3 in 4 times, and reduce тч№ёърхь№щ  The tax who watches news of a stock exchange, that me perfectly will understand me.

such Programs - Projects under Insurances exist already more 50 years ago were in the West, but they were closed and are accessible to a narrow circle of the selected rich people!
with arrival the Internet, became much easier to begin such Projects for many simple people! Now such Programs became accessible also to us

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